creative, news
Internationalisation Workshop
Internationalisation Workshop for Creative Industries, The EGG, Brussels
In last years the importance of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) as engine of economic development and social innovation has been recognized at local, national and European level from different stakeholders. According to the European Cluster Observatory more than 6,5 million employees work in this industrial sector, which is characterized by its fragmentation into different sub- sector. Policy makers are making significant effort to take this industrial field into consideration in the economic panorama of EU and many initiatives have been taken in order to bring visibility to CCIs. But a step further is needed and it’d be important to look at CCIs’ needs from a more practical point of view and not only from a policy perspective.
In the framework of the umbrella initiative “New Frontiers for European Entrepreneurs”, promoted by DG Enterprises, DG Connect, EBN, Deloitte and Digital Europe, the proposed workshop focuses on internationalization and potential to export of CCIs. This topic has already been identified as one of the pillars for CCIs growing policies but has not yet fully integrated into them. Generally speaking in today globally connected world SMEs need to be able to face competition from emerging countries and be ready to access new markets as international activities reinforce growth, enhance competitiveness and support the long term sustainability of companies. This concept applies for CCIs too. The globalized world and the rapidity of the technological development concerning ICT and digital application requires a quick reaction from CCIs to face the above mentioned challenges, namely facing the competition and open to international market.
To set the scene, Callum Lee from the European Creative Business Network, explained how important is to enter new markets and what are the main obstacles. Then, from Germany to Northern Ireland, passing through Belgium and the Netherlands, representative from Business and Innovation Centre Networks (BICs) presented tips and tricks for creative industries in their specific regional setting.
Feedback from the attending companies were very positive with a high level of interaction with the panelists. PPT available soon at the following link
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Innovate your business model
Workshop “Innovate your business model”
Atlantpole and EBN are happy to announce the “Creativity factory” launch! Atlantpole and the creative cluster in Nantes decide to inaugurate this new era with an interactive training on how to innovate a business model for a creative start-up. The objective of this workshop is to make clear how a good business model can improve the success of a business idea. Participants working with the Business Model Canvas method developed new creative ideas and modeling them on the basis of the information acquired during the workshop. The facilitator, Antoine Dumont propose an interactive and dynamic training session using visual charts with elements describing a firm’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances.
Several questions raised during the workshop: How to differentiate from its competitors? How to identify new markets? How to work on the profitability of your deals? How to work on your cost structure? The expert, guides participants through multiple workshop activities and helps them to find replies to theirs questions.
This workshop offers a hands-on exercise how to manage and innovate creative businesses. Supported by the cluster and Atlanpole in partnership with the EBN Network, as part of the European project TESLA, several start-ups and young entrepreneurs benefit from the interactive training while sharing doubts, experience and knowledge with colleagues from the same field.
Antoine Dupont, the trainer, positively welcome TESLA as engine for collaborative work saying that the workshop allowed young entrepreneurs and start-ups to discover new methods and tools to build the strategy of their enterprise.
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creative, news
BNF Workshop
The event took place in Clock Building, one of the older Philips buildings that serves as an exposition center now. The event took place during Dutch design Week, one of the largest and most popular events for creative industries in Europe. The participants appreciated interesting composition of program and indeed were very active during Q&A.