Supporting start-ups in protecting and managing IPR
EIT Digital Business Development Accelerator organised a training event in Darmstadt to support start-ups in protecting and managing their Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
One of the most important questions regarding the establishment of a business venture is the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR). Intellectual property is one of the most important assets that are increasing significantly the competitiveness. This means that also start-up companies should reflect this aspect within their entrepreneurial activities.
Following the understanding that the role of IPRs should not be underestimated in the knowledge society, a training event was organized in Darmstadt. The organizer was Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kniejski – Business Developer in EIT Digital. The seminar was oriented exactly to the start-ups with inventions in different areas, and many entrepreneurs were invited to participate.
Lecturer on the seminar was one of the most respected experts in the area, Rüdiger Spies, LL.M., from LifeTech IP (Spies Danner & Partners). He presented the topic in details and answered to all specific questions that were raised by representatives of start-ups and innovation activities.
Thus the seminar turned into a training event, tailored specifically for the participants’ needs. Participants got an overview on the different types of IPR, and various means of IPR protection were discussed. Participants also gained insights into different filing strategies and the importance of ‘Freedom to Operate’ aspects.
One of the most valuable moments on the seminar was the discussion of specific real-life examples that the lecturer used to illustrate strategic IPR management. Current challenges faced by the participants were also taken into consideration for the analysis of different IPR options.
At the end all participants were highly satisfied: “I went to EIT Digital event on 15th July in Darmstadt. It was excellent. Many of us recognized that we have learned a lot. The events of EIT Digital address the important gaps for startups”, one of the participating start-up entrepreneurs stated. A participating EU project manager added: “I am extremely delighted by the lecturer and as well from the whole organization of the seminar. It was on the highest level. For me it was important to receive as much as possible information about IPR management; and this goal is accomplished. I think that my project will gain a lot from this event – not only knowledge but also an expert. We consider inviting Mr. Rüdiger Spies for a similar seminar in our consortium.”
During the breaks and after the seminar all participants had the opportunity to exchange thoughts in get-together sessions.
- h.c. Wo
For more information please contact
Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kniejski
+49 160 96665764
Minister English opens Business Development Conference
Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation Damien English T.D was in NUI Galway today to open a major Conference on International Business Opportunities funded by the European Interreg North West Europe Programme.
The conference marked the end of a three year transnational project called TESLA, which has been led by the Northern and Western Regional Assembly and presented the project’s outputs and achievements in supporting early stage knowledge-intensive enterprises across North West Europe.
In delivering his keynote address, over 100 delegates heard the Minister say that “The TESLA Project has been a success story, bringing together 8 partners from 6 EU Member States, through a programme of transnational pilot innovation and business support initiatives, in the very positive spirit of European co-operation.” He commended the Northern and Western Regional Assembly for the lead role they have assumed in this transnational project under the EU Interreg North West European Programme, the impacts of which will be seen well into the future in terms of business development, I am sure”
The conference also heard testimonials from TESLA project partners, enterprise support providers and participating companies from across the project partnership. The event also presented new opportunities for transnational co-operation in enterprise support through the North West Europe INTERREG programme.
Over Seventy companies have benefitted from specialist international mentor assistance across the partner European regions. Companies have been mentored on specific areas of export development, market entry to the UK, Chinese and German markets as well as Strategic Business and Financial Planning. The project also provided assistance to the clients of the Local Enterprise Offices in Longford, Monaghan and Cavan through an Innovation Outreach programme designed to facilitate easier access to the UK market. TESLA is also supporting small firms with New Product Design and Development.
By the end of the project up to 30 Irish companies will have plans in place to develop new products and bring them to the market place. One company which will feature at the TESLA conference, PMD Solutions from Cork, has been nominated for the IMDA Medical Technology Industry Excellence Emerging Company of the year 2014.
entrepreneurial, news
Finance my start-up
How to finance my start-up business Event, Darmstadt
On December 2nd, 2014, EIT ICT Labs offered a start-up training for entrepreneurs with the title “How to finance my start-up business”, to introduce different forms, the unique features and the impact of available financing opportunities. One of the most important questions regarding the establishment of a business venture is the financing of the start-up activities as well as the expansion phases. Ideas and prototypes need to be further developed for the market, the business concept has to be defined and developed, resources have to be structured, and the first steps towards business operation have to be taken. Several different financing sources for such steps in the pre-seed, the seed, the start-up and the expansion phases exist. Therefore it is important to illustrate themes like the nature and characteristics of corporate financing, public programs for the advancement of entrepreneurship or unique characteristics of financing in the different life cycle stages of new business ventures.
The seminar was organised by the EIT ICT Labs Business Development team and financed by the EIT ICT Labs Access-to-Finance group with support of Jérôme Chifflet. The event was supported by the Software-Cluster in Darmstadt as well as by the two EU-funded entrepreneurship support programs TESLA ( and LILA ( Almost 30 participants from different European countries appreciated the valuable information they received.
“Thank you very much for the effective and efficient event. This is exactly what I needed” and “I was even contacted by one of the experts you invited to talk about an initial investment in my business”, are two examples of many positive feed-back provided by the participants.
Besides providing theoretical knowledge regarding financing models, concrete real-life scenario examples were used to illustrate strategic financing and the different alternative steps. Current challenges faced by the participants were taken into consideration for the analysis of different financing possibilities. Practitioners gave insides to support entrepreneurs accessing proper financing models.
At the end of the seminar 6 international start-up concepts were pitched, reviewed and commented by experts.
EBN Congress
Tesla Presented to EU Wide Business Audience
The Tesla Project was presented to this years EBN congress held in Lleida, Catalonia in June. Dr Kieran Moylan presented to an EU wide Business audience on the Internationalisation strengths of the project. The project was presented to the ‘Connected Internationally’ workshop.
entrepreneurial, news
Brainport Venture Day
“Brainport Venture Day – 23rd May 2014, 13.00h”
“High Tech Campus Eindhoven”
“Brainport Venture Day, a one of a kind event focused on high potential start-ups (HPSUs), formal and informal investors and other stakeholders, who co-create exceptional entrepreneurial ecosystem in Brabant region. The investment climate in Brainport Eindhoven region is, after London and Helsinki, the best in Europe. The Financial Times puts Eindhoven in the overall ranking of its 2014 Foreign Direct Investment Index (fDi index) in third place. The heart of the Brainport high-tech region is according to the British financial authority an excellent place to”
“invest in the future.”
“Brainport Venture Day”
“Venture Day aims to gather and connect high-potential start-ups, different types of investors”
“(informal investors, seed and venture capital funds) and facilitate networking and exploring opportunities for future syndication and investment cooperation. The first keynote speaker, Prof. Erik Vermeulen, professor of Business and Financial Law at Tilburg University will dip into the latest trends on venture capital market and VC financing and also address the necessary environmental factors for creation of sound financial ecosystem for high potential start-ups. The second keynote speaker Arthur van der Poel, investor of Point-One Starter Fund will elaborate on investment climate in the Brabant region also with the focus on high potential start-ups. Later on, you will witness short and interesting business pitches of 10 selected high potential start- ups, who will also get the chance to catch an eye of the participating investors in subsequent individual meetings. Last but not the least, the Walking Dinner will provide you with an unique chance to interact and network with the representatives of all target groups. Brainport Venture Day is organized with the support of TESLA, project part-funded by European Development”
“Fund under INTERREG IVB North West Europe Program.”
“13:00 -” “13:30″ “Registration + Welcome by Joep Brouwers, director of Brainport Development”
“13:30 -” “15.00” “Presentation by Prof. Erik Vermeulen (Tilburg University) Presentation by Arthur van Poel (Investor of Point-One Starter Fund)”
“15:00 -” “15:30″ “Elevator Pitches of 10 HPSUs (high potential start-ups)”
“15:30 -” “16:45″ “Meet & Match, Individual meetings of investors and HPSUs”
“16:45 -” “17:00″ “Closing of the session”
“17:00 -” “18.30” “Walking Dinner with Rob van Gijzel, Mayor of Eindhoven”
creative, news
Internationalisation Workshop
Internationalisation Workshop for Creative Industries, The EGG, Brussels
In last years the importance of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) as engine of economic development and social innovation has been recognized at local, national and European level from different stakeholders. According to the European Cluster Observatory more than 6,5 million employees work in this industrial sector, which is characterized by its fragmentation into different sub- sector. Policy makers are making significant effort to take this industrial field into consideration in the economic panorama of EU and many initiatives have been taken in order to bring visibility to CCIs. But a step further is needed and it’d be important to look at CCIs’ needs from a more practical point of view and not only from a policy perspective.
In the framework of the umbrella initiative “New Frontiers for European Entrepreneurs”, promoted by DG Enterprises, DG Connect, EBN, Deloitte and Digital Europe, the proposed workshop focuses on internationalization and potential to export of CCIs. This topic has already been identified as one of the pillars for CCIs growing policies but has not yet fully integrated into them. Generally speaking in today globally connected world SMEs need to be able to face competition from emerging countries and be ready to access new markets as international activities reinforce growth, enhance competitiveness and support the long term sustainability of companies. This concept applies for CCIs too. The globalized world and the rapidity of the technological development concerning ICT and digital application requires a quick reaction from CCIs to face the above mentioned challenges, namely facing the competition and open to international market.
To set the scene, Callum Lee from the European Creative Business Network, explained how important is to enter new markets and what are the main obstacles. Then, from Germany to Northern Ireland, passing through Belgium and the Netherlands, representative from Business and Innovation Centre Networks (BICs) presented tips and tricks for creative industries in their specific regional setting.
Feedback from the attending companies were very positive with a high level of interaction with the panelists. PPT available soon at the following link
For more info:

creative, news
Innovate your business model
Workshop “Innovate your business model”
Atlantpole and EBN are happy to announce the “Creativity factory” launch! Atlantpole and the creative cluster in Nantes decide to inaugurate this new era with an interactive training on how to innovate a business model for a creative start-up. The objective of this workshop is to make clear how a good business model can improve the success of a business idea. Participants working with the Business Model Canvas method developed new creative ideas and modeling them on the basis of the information acquired during the workshop. The facilitator, Antoine Dumont propose an interactive and dynamic training session using visual charts with elements describing a firm’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances.
Several questions raised during the workshop: How to differentiate from its competitors? How to identify new markets? How to work on the profitability of your deals? How to work on your cost structure? The expert, guides participants through multiple workshop activities and helps them to find replies to theirs questions.
This workshop offers a hands-on exercise how to manage and innovate creative businesses. Supported by the cluster and Atlanpole in partnership with the EBN Network, as part of the European project TESLA, several start-ups and young entrepreneurs benefit from the interactive training while sharing doubts, experience and knowledge with colleagues from the same field.
Antoine Dupont, the trainer, positively welcome TESLA as engine for collaborative work saying that the workshop allowed young entrepreneurs and start-ups to discover new methods and tools to build the strategy of their enterprise.
For more info: